Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. ( Hu) Karl Andreas Schlegel

Facharzt für Mund- Kiefer- Gesichtschirurgie, Oralchirurgie, plastische Operationen
1984-1989Dental Student at Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Lower Saxony
1990-1991Junior assistent at the Department of prosthetics University of Bale / Switzerland
1990Dr. med. dent. thesis at the Ludwig Maximillians University, Munich, Bavaria
1991-1998Staff member of the Department for maxillofacial surgery, LM University, Munich, Bavaria
1994board examination as oral surgeon
1993-1998Medical student at the I.Semmelweiss University Budapest, Hungary
1998Dr. med. thesis at the I. Semmelweiss University, Budapest, Hungary
1999board examination as implantologist
1999 - 2005Staff member maxillofacial surgery Department University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. F.W. Neukam
2002Dr. med. thesis at the Ludwig Maximillians University, Munich, Bavaria
2004board examination as maxillofacial surgeon
2005PhD, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Titel: Experimental studies on the influence of mitogenic and morphogenic growth factors on de novo bone formation
2005-2006Senoir Staff member maxillofacial surgery Department University of Jena, Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. S. Schultze-Mosgau
2006-2012Senior staff member maxillofacial surgery Department University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. F.W. Neukam
since 12.2010elected president of the bavarian society for the promotion of science in dentistry.
since 2011member of the continuos education board of he bavarian dental board
since 2010member of the section leadership commitee of the ITI, study club coordinator germany, member of the international study club core group
since 2012research fellow at the maxillofacial surgery Department University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. F.W. Neukam
since 2012own private clinic in Munich
Twice price for the best oral presentation at the annual meeting of the AG Kieferchirurgie of the German Society for Dentistry (2002 and 2008).
2001Price for the best oral presentation at the annual meeting of the German Society for Dentistry
2004hird place German Society for Dentistry / Colgate research price
2005Price for the best oral presentation at the annual meeting of European Association of Osseointegration
2007Best presentation annual meeting of the german implant society
2008Winner of the annual Dentsply research price by the German Society for Dentistry
Best presentation annual meeting of the german society for osteology -
2010Best poster presentation 14th Dentsply Friadent World Symposium in Barcelona, Spain
2011Price for the best poster at the International Osteology Meeting in Cannes, France
research interests
interdisciplinary implant therapy, Radiologie, Zahnärztliche Implantologie und statistische Datenerfassung sowie Auswertung; Knochenersatzmaterialien; Gesteuerte Knochenregeneration; Interdisziplinäre Fallplanungen; Kieferorthopädische Implantate, Knochenersatzmaterialien, Wachstumsfaktoren, Tissue engineering