Surgical Dentistry
If the illness is of a tooth by caries or periodontal disease progressed so that no longer perform conventional tooth-sustaining measures were successful, surgical methods for tooth preservation can be used in selected cases.
A frequently performed surgical option for the preservation of tooth root resection offers the so-called. Here, the mucous membrane is opened on an outpatient surgery respective tooth passing through the bone and the apex (s) of the tooth is removed, the inflammatory, bacteria-containing tissue is removed, and sealed by filling of the root cone.
Is due to an advanced inflammation of the gums at a root of the receipt of a multi-rooted tooth is compromised, can be obtained in certain cases, the diseased root surgically removed (called root amputation), and thus the more healthy part of the tooth
A frequently performed surgical option for the preservation of tooth root resection offers the so-called. Here, the mucous membrane is opened on an outpatient surgery respective tooth passing through the bone and the apex (s) of the tooth is removed, the inflammatory, bacteria-containing tissue is removed, and sealed by filling of the root cone.
Is due to an advanced inflammation of the gums at a root of the receipt of a multi-rooted tooth is compromised, can be obtained in certain cases, the diseased root surgically removed (called root amputation), and thus the more healthy part of the tooth
Dentoalveolar Surgery
(tooth extractions, surgical wisdom tooth extraction)
The normal dentition of adults on each side of the jaw consists of two incisors, one canine, two Vorbackenzähnen and three molars. The wisdom tooth is the third molar teeth and this is in the oral cavity most rear.It is the one tooth that is formed during the growth phase as the last tooth. Its development is often completed until adulthood.
In most people, the space in the jaw for the wisdom teeth is not enough, so they often can not classify correctly in the teeth themselves. The teeth then remain wholly or partially enclosed in the jaw, this state is referred to as "retiniert" (withheld). Since this problem up to 80% of young adults concerns in the European population, most people have to deal with sooner or later the question of the removal of teeth.
The decision to remove your wisdom tooth, which has taken their family dentist can have several reasons. He has already led to pathological changes in the jaw or teeth or those are to be expected.
To answer these questions in addition to general dental x-ray examination, an overview (called radiograph) is made in the rule. In special cases, such as at a position of the wisdom tooth close to a nervous feeling, a three-dimensional X-ray image (DVT, CT) may be required.
Removal of cysts
Cysts are common diseases of the jaw bone and the soft tissues of the head and neck area. Jaw cysts are diagnosed and treated for up to 3% of adults in the course of life. The most common form in the jaw cyst is the radicular cyst, followed by the follicular cyst, while the other cyst types are rarely observed. A cyst (gr Kystis = bladder) is defined as a pathological, epithelial-lined cavity. Cysts may be localized in the bone or in the soft tissues may be filled on or mehrkammrig and with liquid or pulpy content. The cyst wall is composed of a fibrous capsule, called the cyst, which is lined by a basement membrane towards the lumen and single or multi-layered epithelium. In addition to the "true cysts" also occur cavities whose wall is composed solely of connective tissue and are therefore called "pseudocysts." The majority of cysts occurring in the jaw develop from the tissues of the tooth system and are thus odontogenic origin. This "odontogenic cysts" can be distinguished from the nichtodontogenen the jaw cysts and pseudocysts.
Cysts are benign pathological structures of different origin and different biological behavior, characterized by a slow expansive growth. This gives rise to the need for operative treatment of each cyst.
Cysts are benign pathological structures of different origin and different biological behavior, characterized by a slow expansive growth. This gives rise to the need for operative treatment of each cyst.
Inflammation of the mouth, jaw and facial area
(septic surgery)
The oral cavity of man is loaded with a variety of germs and pathogens. These germs can reach the pulp (the pulp / tooth nerve) and cause inflammation of the tooth root, for example due to poor oral hygiene over an advanced caries. Such "pulpitis" spreads from untreated to the bone surrounding the root. Similarly, an inflammation of the lining around the teeth can (gingivitis) act on the periodontium (periodontal) and thus to the jawbone.
Runs such a disease very quickly and acute, are destroyed by the immune response of the body cells and tissues. By the local physiological change will initially cause a leakage of fluid into the tissue (infiltrate), which is commonly perceived as "thickness cheek". In the course arises from the ruins of the so-called perished tissue abscess, commonly known as pus, which can be either empty or spontaneously brings the patient due to the pain occurring to the doctor. Smaller, localized abscesses can be treated outpatient basis. It is the opening of the abscess cavity through a cut, so that the pus can drain and the treatment of abscess cause such as the opening or removal of the affected tooth. To ensure the effluent drainage (a gauze strip, a rubber strap or a small plastic tube) is inserted into the open wound. The wound should be checked and purged daily in the port until the inflammation has subsided.
The oral cavity of man is loaded with a variety of germs and pathogens. These germs can reach the pulp (the pulp / tooth nerve) and cause inflammation of the tooth root, for example due to poor oral hygiene over an advanced caries. Such "pulpitis" spreads from untreated to the bone surrounding the root. Similarly, an inflammation of the lining around the teeth can (gingivitis) act on the periodontium (periodontal) and thus to the jawbone.
Runs such a disease very quickly and acute, are destroyed by the immune response of the body cells and tissues. By the local physiological change will initially cause a leakage of fluid into the tissue (infiltrate), which is commonly perceived as "thickness cheek". In the course arises from the ruins of the so-called perished tissue abscess, commonly known as pus, which can be either empty or spontaneously brings the patient due to the pain occurring to the doctor. Smaller, localized abscesses can be treated outpatient basis. It is the opening of the abscess cavity through a cut, so that the pus can drain and the treatment of abscess cause such as the opening or removal of the affected tooth. To ensure the effluent drainage (a gauze strip, a rubber strap or a small plastic tube) is inserted into the open wound. The wound should be checked and purged daily in the port until the inflammation has subsided.