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Mund- Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, München Prof. Schlegel & Kollegen


One must first distinguish between benign from malignant tumors, which are subject to different treatment regimens after proper diagnosis. In principle, one must distinguish in our treatment range between tumors of the facial skin, the skin appendages and oral cavity.

Benign tumors:

Usually slow growing of the skin, mucous membrane, which can be functional but aesthetically disturbing her by displacing growth also. In the case of bone tumors that appear as swellings or sometimes as an incidental finding on radiographs without clinical symptoms. Benign tumors do not form secondary tumors (metastases). In some cases, malignant tumors can arise from benign. In any case, the histological diagnosis by sampling or removal of the tumor is important and essential.

Malignant tumors:

The causes of malignant tumors in the oral cavity are often tobacco and / or alcohol consumption, in other cultures as well Excessive consumption of intoxicants. They are characterized not only by displacing - as the benign tumors -
but also by destructive growth with development of metastases from.
Malignant tumors are found in the mouth, maxillofacial surgical field remains in the outer skin, salivary glands, sinuses, and facial bones. The treatment concept is all together on a previous comprehensive diagnostics to find the best possible combination of available treatment options depending on the individual patient and the specific findings. Today, in addition to the sole surgical treatment options and combinations associated with drug and / or radiation therapy. This combination can not only improve the success of treatment, but can also be the individual side effects of surgery alone or radiation therapy approaches to reduce, as they can be "metered" lower in the connection.
Priority in the treatment of malignant tumors is the complete removal. Caused by the removal of the tumor tissue defect can be replaced by suitable grafts, so that as little functional limitations occur.
After tumor therapy, a long-standing outpatient phase controls to a possible recurrence of the tumor (relapse) is structured to detect early. For this purpose, in addition to the "clinical imaging views are also available.